Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Aurora and Yuna

you once said "ill never walk away from a adventure, are lives are short but are memories will last forever". i know i could die young but as long as i live on in your memories im ready for what awaits me beyond these invisible walls iv made for myself or atleast i thought i was ready...

(the present)
the hardest part was over getting past the boarder guards that stood as statues, like monuments to are stubbornness as humans. following your every step carefully agenst the winds as if they was the words of my brother telling me to turn back. how ever hard they blew i knew they was really in my favor, as a human i couldn't smell the scent of others like you but i knew if i was down wind it would be while before you caught on to me.

the wind that pounded my body and tall grass that you slipped past with soundless effort scraped my skin painfully like blades of the future to come if i proceed and to willfully i jumped ignorantly into the world vast and unknown. i shivered like the cool breeze was the wide spread danger of the world confronting me for the first time. i knew i couldn't go back now, the guards had by now switch with the night time guards and with that the gates of what i once thought was heaven has closed like the tall grass behind me coming back together as i departed its sea of green.

i huffed and puffed as my body begged me to slow down like the voice of my brother and mother yelling at me to stop, begging me to give up. but i couldn't atleast not now, i was past that point and it was still early in the day making me doubtful i could keep pace with you as i followed the leaves on the ground you has kicked up. a dot in the distance like a star in the night that leads the way... that was you in my eyes as i made sure not to lose sight of you.

what i once though was paradise became Erwins peak as i grew old, i though the whole world was like that once i grew up. but you and your stories of the out side world changed that for me and i was prepared to die to see it for myself. i breathed in the same ol air i have been breathing my whole life but it felt so much fresher and my body felt so light, as i slowed down to carefully follow you off the dirt path into the woods that could very well swallow me alive like some kind of beast should i lose track of you.

my chest burned and it was like fire being drawn into my lungs as my mouth became dry. i staggered around the roots and brush that reaked havoc on me legs. like little switches cutting into my cloth covered body every step of the way, untill numbness gave way to the repetition. finally you stopped giving me a moment to see the cloth of my pants had a few dots of crimson red stained into it. it reminded me of the starts that dotted the night, because to have found these crimson stained dots was like finding me way by the stars in the night.

the pain in my legs and the burning of my lungs was like my insides was a fire, as if signaling my rebirth this day. but all these sensations suddenly became drowned out by the russel of dried leafs. i hide behind a tree watching Aurora as i gripped the rough bark of the tree in suspense, waiting to see what would become of his search in the dried debris of the dense forest floor.